As one of the important food and beverage exhibitions in China, this FHC Shanghai Food and Beverage Exhibition will provide you with a platform for direct communication, exchange, and cooperation with numerous high-quality suppliers, manufacturers, and brands in the industry. The scale of the exhibition and the comprehensive exhibition will present you with over a thousand exhibitors and new food and beverage products from dozens of countries and regions.
However, in order to fully embark on the path of food and beverage elites, we need to focus on details during our trip to Lanbo Food and Beverage. So, please consider the following perspectives:
-Understanding new market trends: This exhibition will bring together food and beverage professionals from around the world, who will share new market trends and consumer demands, revealing future food and beverage trends for you. This will help you seize market opportunities and plan and design brand products in advance.
-Expanding business relationships: By engaging with suppliers and manufacturers in the industry from multiple perspectives, one can not only understand their new products and technologies, but also establish mutually beneficial business relationships with them. Through in-depth communication with suppliers, you can better understand their processing technology, supply chain transparency, and product quality assurance, thereby selecting partners that meet the needs of your enterprise.
-Experience unique innovation: At this exhibition, you will have the opportunity to taste various unique and innovative food and beverage products. From new flavors to new formulas, from new packaging to new designs, new branded products will be displayed to you, bringing you a brand new taste and visual experience. These unique and innovative products will meet your needs for different flavors of food, making your dining table never dull.
-Understanding the International Food and Beverage Market: FHC Shanghai Food and Beverage Exhibition will attract food and beverage professionals from around the world, who will bring new food and beverage products from their countries and regions, providing you with a window to understand the international market. You can have close contact with various international food and beverage products, experience the collision of different cultures and regional flavors, and further expand your international market vision.
In addition, in addition to the products exhibited by exhibitors, a series of special forums and seminars will be held to invite experts, scholars, and business representatives from the food and beverage industry at home and abroad to share and exchange ideas. This will be a great opportunity for you to learn about new industry trends and knowledge.
Whether you are looking for new products, building business relationships, or enhancing knowledge, FHC Shanghai Food and Beverage Exhibition will be a feast you cannot miss. We sincerely invite you to participate in the 2024 FHC Shanghai Food and Beverage Exhibition, to pursue the forefront of high-quality food and beverages with us.
- 了解新市場趨勢:本次展會將匯聚來自世界各地的食品飲料人士,他們將分享新的市場趨勢和消費者需求,為您揭示將來的食品飲料潮流。這將幫助您抓住市場機遇,提前做好品牌產品的規劃和設計。
- 拓展業務關系:多角度接觸行業的供應商和廠商,不僅能夠了解他們的新產品和技術,還能與他們建立互利共贏的業務關系。通過與供應商的深入交流,您可以更好地了解他們的加工工藝、供應鏈透明度和產品質量保障,從而選擇適合您企業需求的合作伙伴。
- 體驗獨特創新:在本次展會上,您將有機會品嘗到各類獨特創新的食品和飲料產品。從新口味到新配方,從新包裝到新設計,新的品牌產品都將展示給您,帶給您全新的味覺和視覺體驗。這些獨特創新的產品將滿足您對于不同口味食品的需求,讓您的餐桌yongbu枯燥。
- 了解國際食品飲料市場:FHC上海食品飲料展將吸引來自世界各地的食品飲料人士,他們將攜帶他們國家和地區的新食品飲料產品,為您提供一個了解國際市場的窗口。您可以近距離接觸各類國際食品飲料產品,感受不同文化和地域風味的碰撞,進一步開拓您的國際市場視野。
展會現場還將舉辦FHC上海國際咖啡美食文化節和環球巧克力市集Choco Village區域,以當下消費者喜聞樂見的集市形式,吸引咖啡和巧克力愛好者拍照打卡、自發傳播。
上海國際咖啡美食文化節是上海國際酒店及餐飲業博覽會旗下的高端集市活動,自2017年3月以咖啡集市的形式登陸上海,融合咖啡、烘焙、甜品、輕餐及周邊等關聯業態,迅速成為無數咖啡和美食愛好者爭相打卡的咖啡美食嘉年華,是國內極具影響力的C端咖啡美食集市活動。FHC上海國際咖啡美食文化節預計將吸引瑞幸咖啡、王力咖啡、捷輝、必如、Coffee buff、明謙、觀樹等近70家咖啡上下游及關聯業態企業入駐,為現場觀眾帶來咖啡美食的生活方式大秀。
展會還攜手Salon du Chocolat上海國際巧克力展傾情打造環球巧克力市集Choco Village區域, 匯集超過50家國際國內巧克力品牌,展示精品巧克力、巧克力甜品、bean-to-bar巧克力及巧克力潮流飲品等。觀眾也可以在市集中參觀巧克力博物館、穿越三星堆巧克力藝術展、環球巧克力品鑒秀等展區,一次逛展,多重體驗,沉浸式巧克力世界的大門即將開啟!
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- 聯系人:王悅(經理)
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