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發布時間: 2024-01-16 09:56 更新時間: 2024-11-16 08:00

We are well aware of the deliciousness of chocolate, which not only brings a pleasant taste but also provides you with comprehensive health benefits. Therefore, we have carefully selected imported chocolate brands from around the world to provide you with exquisite and rich tasting chocolate products. In this exhibition, you will taste chocolate brands from Belgium, Switzerland, France, and other places, which will lead you into a fascinating world of chocolate. Whether you are pursuing rich dark chocolate, delicate milk chocolate, or precious and rare white chocolate, we can satisfy your picky taste.

And our imported snacks exhibition is also exciting and diverse, with cuisine from all over the world waiting for you here. From potato chips from the United States, dried fruits from Italy, biscuits from Japan, spicy chips from Thailand, seaweed from South Korea, and more, you will fully experience the flavors of snacks from various cultures. Whether you are fond of salty, sweet, sour, or spicy, we can help you find a taste that makes you happy.

In addition to tasting diverse cuisine, this exhibition also brings you more surprises. We have prepared various interactive activities and on-site demonstrations for you to experience firsthand the process of making chocolate and snacks. You can participate in the assembly of chocolates, the production of snacks, and observe skilled professionals showcase their love and craftsmanship for food. In addition, we will also invite professional food masters to give on-site explanations and guidance, allowing you to have a deeper understanding of the origins and production techniques of cuisine.




2023年,中食展?攜手Food2China Expo全面升級,聯合廣州國際食品食材展、Wine to China Expo(源于TOEwine)、廣州(江南)國際果蔬產業博覽會,五展合一,充分發揮zhengfu、行業商協會及企業合力,共同打造以廣州為中心、鏈接全球、輻射全國的國際食品展覽會。


      由商業發展中心主辦的中食展?已成功舉辦20多年,現已發展成為亞洲、具有全球影響力的,食品與飲料貿易品牌盛會。2023年,中食展?南下廣東,聯合Food2China Expo共同辦展,開創中國食品食材展覽會新高峰。


      中食展?(廣州)Food2China Expo,將于2023年9月21-23日,在廣州保利世貿博覽館舉辦。屆時,預計將有來自超過40個國家和地區的,近1400家優質參展商,帶來食品餐飲行業富代表性的品牌及產品,邀請近八萬人士到場參觀caigou。展會同期還將舉辦數場高水準產業論壇、對話峰會及專項競賽和分享活動,不僅是食品餐飲行業重要的商務交流平臺,更是了解創新技術、把握行業趨勢的良機。



1. 預包裝休閑食品:糕點、糖果、蜜錢、餅干、核仁的糖果產品、堅果、干果、巧克力、其他巧克力和可可制品、休閑零食、其他糖果等。

2. 肉類及冷凍食品:鮮肉、凍肉、肉類產品、含肉罐頭、肉類便利食品、生鮮魚類、生鮮貝類和海鮮、冷凍魚類和海鮮、魚產品、海鮮產品、半保鮮海鮮和魚產品、海鮮便利產品等。

3. 乳制品:液態奶、酸奶、奶粉、奶酪、黃油、冰淇淋、乳飲料、各種乳營養保健品、各種乳制品配料和添加劑等。

4. 咖啡及茶飲:咖啡、茶、可可、非酒精飲料等。

5. 預制菜系列:即食罐頭、速凍食品、自熱火鍋、半成品菜肴、免洗凈菜。


6. 餐飲食材:農產品、罐頭食品、即食食品和湯產品、調味料、油、烘焙類產品等。

7. 葡萄酒及烈酒:啤酒和混合啤酒飲料、葡萄酒和起泡酒、烈酒、含酒精飲料等。

8. 功能性健康食品:有機熟食產品、有機冷凍產品、有機牛奶和乳制品、有機面包、有機熱飲、有機飲料、孕婦和嬰兒食品、孕婦和嬰兒營養素、非處方藥、膳食補充劑、保健食品和營養產品、功能食品等。

9. 果蔬(農產品)及地理標志產品:新鮮果蔬、冷凍果蔬、脫水果蔬; 鮮、干菌類;果蔬罐頭、果汁、果醬、果干、果脯;果蔬深加工產品等。

10. 方便食品:罐頭食品、即食食品等。




  • 電  話:13524187672
  • 聯系人:王悅(經理)
  • 手  機:13651828941
  • 微  信:13651828941