2025 Shenzhen HOTELEX Hotel and Catering Exhibition (the 34th China (Shenzhen) International Hotel and Catering Industry Exhibition)
In 2025, Shenzhen will welcome the annual HOTELEX Hotel Catering Exhibition. This is the 34th edition of the China International Hotel and Catering Industry Exhibition, hosted by Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd., attracting industry elites from across the country and even the world to explore the future of this thriving industry. The exhibition will be held at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center in 2025, with a three-day duration and rich content, featuring a variety of highlights.
The unique value of exhibitions
The major feature of HOTELEX Shenzhen exhibition is that it integrates various resources within the industry, creates a diversified platform, and relies on the advantages of Shenzhen as a modern city to attract a large number of merchants, caigou merchants, and consumers to participate. Through exhibitions, participating companies can not only showcase their products, but also establish connections with potential customers and expand their market space.
In depth analysis of cutting-edge industry trends
At the 2025 exhibition, industry experts will conduct in-depth discussions on new technologies and concepts in the hotel and catering industry. For example, digital transformation has become an important issue, and the concepts of smart hotels and smart catering are gradually penetrating into consumers' daily lives; Sustainable development, green hotels, and eco-friendly catering have also become the focus of attention for many enterprises. Through the display of these themes, visitors will gain insights into the future development of the industry.
The application of emerging technologies
With the continuous advancement of technology, many emerging technologies will be showcased at the exhibition. For example, the application of artificial intelligence in customer service can enhance customer experience and reduce operating costs; The implementation of virtual reality and augmented reality technology has also provided consumers with a more authentic experience. In addition, the combination of smart devices and big data has given the hotel and catering industry more meaning in management and decision-making.
Environmental Protection and Sustainable Consumption
Today's consumers are increasingly concerned about environmental protection, and exhibitions will also focus on this trend. Enterprises that provide sustainable catering and green hotel solutions will already become an important part of the market. Tourists can learn how to achieve a dual harvest of commercial benefits and environmental responsibility through green initiatives, energy conservation and emission reduction, and waste management.
Colorful exhibits and exciting activities
This exhibition provides a rich collection of exhibits and event presentations, ranging from hotel equipment to catering supplies, covering all aspects of the entire industry.
Hotel facilities: guest room equipment, front desk service system, cleaning equipment, etc;
Catering equipment: kitchen equipment, cocktail mixing utensils, food processing machinery, etc;
Food and Beverage: Featured foods and beverages from domestic and foreign brands;
Consulting and services: brand promotion, marketing, talent recruitment and other services.
During the exhibition, multiple lectures and roundtable discussions will be held, inviting industry experts to share their experiences and insights, providing attendees with rich knowledge and inspiration.
Opportunities for network layout and business cooperation
In exhibitions, network layout is particularly important. By participating in HOTELEX, companies can come into contact with potential customers and partners from different industries, communicate freely, and collide to create new business sparks. The business opportunities during the exhibition will become an accelerator for participating companies to achieve their goals. By utilizing exhibition platforms, enterprises can establish long-term business partnerships and explore broader markets.
The Charm of Shenzhen City
As a forefront city of China's reform and opening up, Shenzhen is not only an economic center, but also a gathering place for culture and technology. Its unique geographical location and entrepreneurial atmosphere provide a favorable environment for the successful hosting of the exhibition. The skyscrapers and diverse cuisine in Shenzhen have made it a popular destination for global investors and tourists. During the exhibition, visitors can also experience the charm of this city and fully enjoy the collision and exchange of diverse cultures.
Preparation and Expectations for Exhibition
Advance preparation by exhibitors and visitors is crucial. Enterprises should plan the layout of their booths and exhibits in advance to ensure that they are showcased at the exhibition; And the audience should develop a reasonable visit plan based on their own needs in order to efficiently obtain information. In addition, the promotional intensity of the exhibition will also affect the final exhibition effect, and making full use of social media and website promotion can expand its influence.
Summary and Expectations for the Future
The 2025 Shenzhen HOTELEX Hotel Catering Exhibition will bring new opportunities and challenges to the industry, opening a new chapter for a better future. We look forward to every exhibitor gaining rich experience and having in-depth exchanges with like-minded peers at this exhibition. If you are a practitioner in the hotel or catering industry, or a friend interested in this industry, HOTELEX exhibition will be an opportunity that you cannot miss.
The press conference for HOTELEX Shenzhen International Hotel and Catering Industry Expo and Hotel&Shop Plus Shenzhen International Hotel and Commercial Space Expo was held at the Le Meridien Hotel in Shenzhen. At the same time as the event, the 5th Bay Area Hotel Industry Innovation and Development Forum was held, attended by more than 300 industry elites, experts and scholars, including Jing Jian, a second level researcher from Guangzhou Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, Zhao Liang, Deputy Director of the Market Management Department of Shenzhen Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, and Huang Jian, President of Shenzhen Hotel Industry Association.
深圳這座城市的魅力作為中國改革開放的前沿城市,深圳不僅是經濟中心,還是文化與科技的集結地。它獨特的地理位置和創業氛圍為展會的成功舉辦提供了良好的土壤。 深圳的摩天大樓和多樣化的美食,使得這里成為了一個吸引全球投資者和旅游者的熱土。在展會期間,參觀者可以順便感受一下這座城市的魅力,盡情享受多元文化的碰撞和交流。
HOTELEX深圳國際酒店及餐飲業博覽會和 Hotel&Shop Plus深圳國際酒店及商業空間博覽會新聞發布會在深圳華僑城艾美酒店隆重舉辦。活動現場同期舉辦第五屆灣區酒店業創新發展論壇,廣州市文化廣電旅游局二級調研員荊健、深圳市文化廣電旅游體育局市場管理部副處長趙亮、深圳市酒店業商會黃儉會長等300多位行業精英、專家學者出席。
作為博華深圳聯展旗下的系列展, HOTELEX深圳國際酒店及餐飲業博覽會和 Hotel&Shop Plus深圳國際酒店及商業空間博覽會將于于深圳國際會展中心(寶安新館)召開,秉承“開荒?!钡臅r代精神,展示展覽業拓新的“力量”,和推進行業發展的“拼勁”,全力構筑以粵港澳大灣區市場為中心,輻射海內外的酒店、餐飲以及商業空間投資、籌建運營的一站式貿易平臺。
規模增長50%, 呈現行業盛會
深圳國際酒店及餐飲業博覽會將匯聚咖啡與茶、飲品綜合、食品及餐飲食材綜合、餐飲設備、桌面用品、烘焙甜點及輕餐、連鎖加盟及連鎖資源、酒類綜合和禮品及生活方式九大板塊的優質資源, 匯聚了全球的供應商和前沿產品,為您呈現出一場酒店餐飲行業盛宴!
公司與各地zhengfu及協會的緊密合作,為展會提供了強大的后盾和有力的支持。2023 HOTELEX深圳展上,珠海市廚師協會、湖南省旅游飯店協會、江門市旅游行業協會及HOTELEX VIP買家團等30余家行業協會參觀團,1859位高質量買家組團參觀前來參觀交流。
我在2000年江南大學食品畢業后,一直在飲品配料行業服務。年是服務工業客戶,參加過相關的行業展會。當時同樣年年參展,看到的是相關展會起起落落的不容易。但是Hotelex完全不一樣,一路高歌,規模不斷擴大,參展人員持續新高。十年餐飲現制飲品的快速發展變化,精彩紛呈,目不暇接,正是有Hotelex展會,我們及時知悉行業前沿動態,不斷調整自己,迎合創新變化;正是身處展會其中,我們的想像力才能跟上行業的真實發展。面對將來,我們期待博華將Hotelex辦得更有內涵、更國際化。期待在博華的各類展會、競賽、論壇平臺上,德馨和各參展商能齊心協力,服務好中國餐飲行業各家品牌,助力中國餐飲文化走向全球。德馨食品 總經理一史文超感謝HOTELEX深圳國際酒店及餐飲業博覽會提供了一個良好的展示、溝通平臺,睿輝食品與HOTELEX酒店餐飲系列展會合作多年,通過這樣具有國際性,性的行業盛會,充分的展現了睿輝食品作為一家集烘焙、速凍食品研發、生產、銷售、品牌運營于一體的產業鏈公司的企業實力與品牌價值。未來睿輝也將與HOTELEX繼續攜手共進,共同進步。福清睿輝食品有限公司副總經理-王傳鵬
不知不覺中,桔品茶業作為茶葉應用服務商,與博華Hotelex展會已經合作數年,感謝 Hotelex為餐飲行業創造交流溝通的平臺,在2023深圳Hotelex展會上,桔品茶業以“工藝造茶香,自然尋本味”為主題,帶來一場自然茶香盛宴,讓更多人了解和認可桔品茶業的帶來的優質好茶,也為餐飲行業的發展不斷賦能。在這個競爭激烈的市場風云中,滿足現代人追求簡單喝好茶的生活方式,一直是桔品茶業不變的使命,通過Hotelex展會,我們更加堅信,專注聚焦,心無旁騖,Hotelex也始終陪伴著我們,共同應對挑戰。未來,希望我們繼續保持密切的合作,共同推動餐飲行業的繁榮與發展,也期待未來繼續攜手前行,共創美好未來!桔品茶業 總經理--黃云
2023 HOTELEX深圳國際酒店及餐飲業博覽會在深圳國際會展中心開展,本次我們的意大利貝澤拉咖啡機和德國美樂家全自動咖啡機的展示格外引人注目,市場反響非常出色。此外,公司新品Frego蒸烤箱在深圳展會亮相,得到認可和關注。我們相信,在博華的努力下,展會將進入更高質量的發展,讓企業與客戶共迎時代的機遇,共享商機。杭州品克科技有限公司總經理—沈偉剛
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